The Devil is a Part-timer season 2: Release date, Storyline, latest updates you must know

The Devil is a Part-timer

When ‘The Devil is a Part-timer: Season 1’ first released in the year 2013, it received both critics’ applause and audiences’ love. Even the writer of the series, Satoshi Wagahara did not anticipate that one day this light novel will become a successful anime TV series. After the comic becomes popular in 2011, White Fox studio adapted the light novel to an anime tv series. Divided into 13 episodes, the series was also very successful as the novel. But after that, 7 years have been passed. There is still no response from the White Fox end about the release of the second season. This longstanding silence is now making everyone curious about whether ‘The Devil is a Part-Timer Season 2’ will ever get released or not. This post is all about delving into that quest while knowing the anime series a little deeper.

The main story of ‘The Devil is a Part-timer’:

The central character of the series is Demon Lord Satan. After losing a battle, he had to leave his own world and he came to the world of humans through a time-dimensional portal. Being desperate to hide his identity and look like humans, he took a job in a busy Tokyo fast-food shop. But the rage of taking revenge was still burning in his heart. Besides, he cannot even apply his powers in the human world. If he wants to be the conqueror of the world, he will have to be hardworking and rise up the social ladder. The story thus revolves around his journey. Another key character in the story is Emi Yusa. She is the person who dethroned Satan. This way the story of the series progresses with the main characters coming into the human world from another dimension.

Chances of the release of  ‘The Devil is a Part-timer season 2’:

As of now, no one knows when ‘The Devil is a Part-timer: season 2’ will come to light. Rumor increased when Satoshi Wagahara told in an interview that “anime is also a business”. This means the production company will only show interest when they will be sure that the second season of ‘The Devil is a Part-timer’ will also be a successful one like its predecessor. Besides, White Fox studio is currently busy with other projects. So, at least there is no planning from their side to release the second season soon.

The light of hope:

Well, there are certain reasons to be hopeful and expect that the second part of ‘The Devil is a Part-timer’ will be released, soon or after.

Firstly, the whole novel has 26 volumes and the first season consists of only 13 volumes. So, it is highly logical to think that there will be a second season.

Secondly, when the first season of ‘The Devil is a Part-timer’ released, it won millions of hearts. Plus, it also gained good financial success. So, chances are high that the second season will be a success too.

Thirdly, if White Fox shows no interest to make the second season, then other studios can try to make the second episode. And the fresh rumor in the market is that, streaming giant Netflix is showing interest to make the second episode.  

Final note:

Though the long silence from White Fox has surprised fans, there is still hope and a good amount of reasons to assume that the release of ‘The Devil is a Part-timer: season 2’ is a wait for a while.