Prime Benefits of Hiring Dedicated PHP Developers

PHP developers
Image Source: Unsplash

PHP technology is one such concept that has risen from the ashes up and above again and again. Yes, it is a safe bet to say that since the inception of PHP technology, it seems to have been doomed to death and became alive not just once but many times and every single time It has become strong and kicking. Though, I won’t dare to enter the battle of technology supremacy. All I am saying is PHP has not just survived but seems to be offering great help by making the entire process of web development more easy and simple.

Now I am sure when you Google the term “PHP or PHP development services”, I am sure you will find loads and loads of information on what the technology means, How it can be beneficial in the long run, how to choose a reliable PHP development service provider, and whatnot! Now this one is a bit different, it focuses on what are the prime benefits of hiring a dedicated team of PHP developers.

Now I am sure that you are reading the following because you are planning to develop a web or mobile app development project and you are wholeheartedly willing to explore all your relevant options for hiring dedicated PHP developers. However, before we proceed further, let us take a bit of a detour and start with what exactly these dedicated PHP developers are.

Who are Dedicated Developers?

In tandem with offshoring, outsourcing, and hiring dedicated developers are quite a in vogue these days. Not to mention, among all these, hiring a dedicated team of developers seems to be growing at a fanatic pace all across the globe. Now when I use the term dedicated developers, it means they are professionals who tend to work either part-time or full-time employees of a particular organization. Businesses often tend to hire these professionals for a particular project.

Now many of you have this misconception that hiring a team of dedicated developers is more like digging a big hole within your own pocket. Well, that’s certainly not true! Busting out the myth, loud and clear, hiring dedicated developers especially overseas can be pretty cost-effective as well as you no longer have to deal with all the recruitment burden, fading team spirit or any such crap. Of course, there are certain downsides such as a lack of potential software talent among tech companies. However, dedicated teams can seamlessly assist in hiring and scaling up your business. 

Now have you ordered lip-smacking food online? Well, I am pretty sure you must have, hiring a dedicated team of software developers is pretty much the same. All you have to do is pay them for offering the best possible services from their space. Without doing any work, you have everything you want and at a predetermined time. What’s more! Hiring a dedicated team of developers doesn’t mean they can assist you in developing a software product but can also help in meeting your business goal.  Within a dedicated development team, you can expect experienced software developers. Apart from those, project managers, business analysts, UI/UX designers and QA engineers.

When one must consider hiring a team of dedicated developers?

One of the obvious signs of hiring a team of dedicated developers is when you start feeling that hiring and developing an in-house team can be a pretty time-consuming and costly venture. Apart from these, there are several other reasons such as:

  • Developing software solutions are way out of your league. You see developing solutions on an immediate basis can be pretty overwhelming and daunting. Also, you might end up spending pretty extravagantly. So in that case, you must start exploring other options such as outsourcing your project, especially from countries where you can pay lower expenses and receive solutions within a given time.
  • The next reason is when you lack in terms of talent pool and expertise. IT requirements keep on changing every now and then. So you need to hire a team of updated and well-knowledgeable professionals at quite a reasonable price. Also, see whether they have experience in executing software project delivery in the nick of time.
  • Are you struggling with the ongoing speed and unable to surpass the finish line or unable to handle complex or complicated projects? Well, completing any project within the estimated time is a matter of much pride and reputation, so again if you are not confident enough, you need a reliable development company or dedicated development team to do the same for you!

I am sure you are around 50% sure about hiring a dedicated development team for your IT project. Further below I would like to mention certain benefits of hiring dedicated PHP developers for your upcoming project. After going through these, I am damn sure you will be 100% sure about what you are supposed to do next.

Prime Benefits of Hiring Dedicated PHP Developers

Outsourcing software development or PHP development services has been a blessing in disguise, especially for non-techies. Earlier, things were like businesses were compelled to hire a full-fledged team of developers even if they don’t need it for that long! And as their boss, you were supposed to babysit those tech-savvy geeks. As a result, businesses often got misled from their main goal and ended up drifting away from their core competencies.

Fortunately, we have better alternatives to such awful procedures. You have a plethora of software development companies popping up, especially the ones that excel in technologies such as PHP, Javascript, etc. And do you know what is the most fun part here? You have to pay around half as much to outsource it than to do it locally.  So why exactly hire a dedicated team of PHP developers?

#1 Getting High Return on Investment

Not many of you tend to think this way but you must start looking in this direction as well. As mentioned earlier, by hiring a dedicated team of PHP developers you can surely save tons and tons of money instead of choosing an in-house team. And getting good results in a nick of time can be the icing on the cake. By hiring dedicated PHP developers you won’t just be able to develop amazing-looking websites but also at a low price in comparison to your competitors so, in the end, you are supposed to receive a high return on investment.

#2 More Quick Access

Finding the right PHP developer for your project can be quite troublesome and when you happen to think of in-house, the options are quite less. On the contrary, when you plan to outsource or choose a dedicated team of PHP developers, first and foremost you get a wide range of options to choose from. So what you must do is choose a PHP developer who is also well-versed with popular PHP frameworks, such as Codeigniter, Laravel, Zend, Yii, Symfony, CakePHP, Joomla, and Kohana.

More or less, an ideal dedicated PHP developer is said to be one having great knowledge of coding language, works amazing with SQL and MYSQL, CSS and HTML, and has practical experience with popular frameworks such as Joomla, WordPress, or Drupal, and above all makes sure he has a solid grip over object-oriented software design.

#3 Quality matters the Most

Another interesting benefit offered by hiring a dedicated team of PHP developers is that you are bound to receive software solutions that are best in regards to quality instead of quantity. This is the final aspect to look for in any software development project and PHP development is no exception here. You see whether you have this in-house team or hire a dedicated team, you need to recognize that there are multiple cross-functional teams that work during software development. There will occur faults in executing trailing cross-functional activities if the PHP code foundation is weak.

So make sure whenever you opt for a dedicated team of PHP developers, see whether they can offer time code delivery, reduce the overall time to market, and in the end offer a product featuring few bugs to handle.

So why exactly do you need to hire a dedicated team of PHP developers?

  • To get easy access to not just one but an entire team without thinking of recruitment or any other aspect
  • You are bound to receive optimum results at even a reasonable price
  • You do not need to put much effort
  • Available 24/7 services
  • Seamless Time-zone accommodation


On and all, you need to ensure that whatever PHP development company you end up choosing adheres to a business-oriented path. They should not just be capable of managing their respective roles well but also keep you in the loop at each and every stage or accomplishment. Also, be rest assured no matter if anybody gets sick or has to opt for leaves, your work won’t stop in between. There always is an entire group to back up if one of the developers isn’t available. That’s the beauty of hiring a dedicated team of PHP developers. So I hope by now you are pretty much convinced about hiring a dedicated team of PHP developers instead of creating an in-house team. In case, if you still find this confusing, feel free to get in touch by mentioning it in the comment section below. I hope you did find the following post helpful. If yes, feel free to share it with peers and help us in spreading the word as much as you can.