Nona Sobo – The New HeartThrob on The Internet


Belonging to Generation Z, Nona Sobo is an actress, social media star, and model. She is beloved by her fans who reside across the globe. Recently, Nona came into the light when fans started asking her about her ethnicity and where she grew up. Also, the debate stretched quite a bit and became a trending topic of discussion. This quick post gives you a little sneak peek into Nona Sobo and answers a lot of her fans’ questions, including the hot topic of her ethnicity. 

Nona Sobo – The Past & The Present

Mariona Soley Bosc Read or, as we all know her, Nona Sobo came to the world in March of 2000 in the country of Thailand. Although there is little information about her family, it is confirmed that she grew up in a Buddhist environment until a Spanish woman adopted her. Born in Thailand, she along with her foster mother found a place to stay in Spain where Nona still resides. At just 2 years of age, she relocated to Barcelona, Spain. Here, she attended boarding school, the name of which is unknown. Not books but sports like swimming were her strong suite during her academic years. 

What is Nona Sobo’s Ethnicity? 

Born in Thailand, lives in Spain, and she is dark-skinned. It is quite natural that people will show interest in knowing her cultural and ethnic background. Nona Sobo is Asian. Moreover, her roots go back to a Buddhist family. However, staying so long in a country that’s so different from her own culture, Nona adapted to Spain’s culture. It’s wonderful to see an influencer with such a diverse cultural background and understanding of ethnicity. 

Nona Sobo’s Career uptill now

Nona Sobo started her modeling career at the tender age of eight. She did a lot of small commercials, stills and music videos. Soon, she became a favorite among the industry members and people began noticing her.  She later starred in movies and TV series like Wrong Side of The Tracks and Welcome to Eden. 

Nona’s Net Worth

Working in the entertainment industry since childhood has made Nona quite famous. Moreover, with her catalog of work profiles in commercials, movies, and TV shows her net worth sits around a few hundred thousand dollars. She is still working towards her goal of becoming more famous and an avid actor. It’s safe to say that her net worth will increase dramatically in the coming few years. 

We wish Nona all the best for her future. If you want to learn more about her you can follow Nona Sobo on Instagram with @nonasobo


What is Nona Sobo’s instagram account? 

Nona Sobo’s official instagram account is Nona Sobo. Her bio reads – Actor, Hakuna Matata. She has also a YouTube channel. 

What is Nona Sobo’s age?

It is believed that Nona’s year of birth is 2000. So, as of 2023, Nona is 23 years old. 

Where is Nona Sobo from?

Nona is from Spain. She has been working in the entertainment industry for quite some time and featured in a couple of movies and TV shows.