How to Create Strong Brand Advocacy

Brand Advocacy

Brand advocacy is one of the most important features for any business to succeed. In the simplest terms, brand advocacy is a very useful publicity tool that highlights a business against all the competition. For any brand to be able to succeed, it must be perceived by the public as a good company with a great reputation. This is what brand advocacy can do. Read on to find out how to create strong brand advocacy.

Why is it important?

Brand advocacy is extremely important for any company to succeed as it is the main reason for a number of things, such as keeping a company ahead of any competition. If you are the brand that everyone is talking about because of your amazing products, service, and/or ad campaign, then you don’t need to worry about anyone coming in and taking that number-1 spot.

Great brand advocacy also promotes business growth. Business growth is, of course, extremely important. By having brand advocacy, you are able to create new sales funnels and create new marketing strategies.

Platforms that focus on B2B customer retention create the conditions for your customers to become brand advocates too. They will be incentivized with personalized rewards. In this context, you can always think about a wheel of fortune website, wherein your visitors and customers are lured to play an engaging online game by spinning the wheel and earning discount coupons in return for their email addresses which can be later utilized for converting them into loyal customers. Here, a company like “Tada” can be of great help in designing such Shopify popup apps.

You should always sit down and strategically think about your brand advocacy program and ask yourself difficult questions. Your program should be based on who engages with your posts and focus heavily on your consumer’s perception of the business.

Who Are Your Advocates?

The first thing you should look at is who your advocates are. By reviewing who engages with your content the most, you should be able to notice who your advocates are. This can be from both customers and your employees. Once you have noted down who your main advocates are, look for ways to reward them, and always offer incentives!

Content Distribution

Next, you should look at the way your content is being distributed. If you’re posting content that isn’t easy to share, then you are already failing at building brand advocacy, as your ‘fans’ aren’t able to showcase to the world how amazing your product/service is. Always make it easy for consumers to like, share, tag, and repost whenever needed. This is a cost-effective way to boost your brand advocacy.

Deals and Promotions

Furthermore, as a business, you are always having to stay one step ahead of your competitors, and what do consumers look for? Deals and promotions. If you are in a privileged position where you can offer your consumers deals and promotions, then you most definitely should. This makes your B2B clients and consumers feel special. Deals could come in the form of B2B loyalty programs, referral programs, competitions, and rewards.

Be Open

The most important thing that you can do when you are trying to build up brand advocacy is to listen to your employees and customers. To showcase to the world that employees and customers truly value your business is a great way to build up your brand. This can be easily achieved by asking both parties If they will leave you a review or testimonial.