FTX Downfall Marks Turning Point for Citizen Journalism

FTX Downfall
Image Source: Unsplash

The recent trial of the citizen journalist and activist Barrett Brown has brought many issues related to the freedom of speech into the spotlight, specifically in regard to the security state’s treatment of journalists and whistleblower activity. However, Brown’s case may be having another effect that could be just as significant: it may mark the turning point in how citizens view alternative media as a viable alternative to corporate-owned journalism in America. The downfall of Brown’s organization Project PM represents more than the weakening of alternative journalism—it represents the crumbling credibility of alternative media as well. Register and start investing now in crypto with everyone’s favourite exchange platform.

What is FTX?

FTX was an online platform dedicated to giving citizens a voice in reporting news and current events. By allowing anyone to submit stories, share opinions, and post comments, FTX was a revolutionary way to engage people in the news. Unfortunately, the platform recently shut down due to financial troubles, leaving many people without a means to express themselves in a meaningful way.

The downfall of FTX is a major turning point for citizen journalism. It’s a reminder that even though we have access to more news sources than ever, there are still limitations in how we communicate. With the demise of FTX, it’s important to remember that we must continue to use other platforms and methods of communication to stay informed and engaged in the news.

From citizen journalists to everyday citizens, the loss of FTX is a reminder that we need to take responsibility for our own news consumption and engagement. We can still share stories, voice our opinions, and participate in conversations, but now we must do so in a more thoughtful and intentional way. Let’s not forget the importance of citizen journalism and use it as motivation to make sure we are informed and engaged citizens.

What led to its downfall?

The downfall of the online media platform FTX was a turning point for citizen journalism, as it highlighted some of the risks associated with depending on user-generated content. Founded in 2016, FTX was an ambitious attempt to provide citizens with an opportunity to become journalists, without having to go through any formal journalistic training or certification. However, despite its lofty ambitions, the platform ultimately failed due to a combination of factors.

First, FTX had difficulty ensuring the quality and accuracy of the content that was submitted to it by its users. While there were some safeguards in place, such as requiring users to be verified and providing detailed guidelines on how to conduct interviews and report news properly, these measures weren’t enough to keep out poor quality or inaccurate content. This led to a proliferation of articles and videos that lacked the editorial oversight and journalistic standards that many readers and viewers expected.

Second, FTX’s business model was unsustainable in the long run. The platform relied heavily on advertisements as its source of revenue, but as more people began to realize that the content wasn’t always reliable, advertisers began to pull away from the platform. This left FTX unable to generate sufficient income and ultimately doomed it to failure.

Finally, FTX’s attempt to become a mainstream media outlet was not successful. The platform lacked the resources and recognition to reach beyond its core audience, and as a result, it never gained traction with larger news outlets or mainstream readership.

Ultimately, the downfall of FTX highlighted the risks associated with relying solely on user-generated content for news coverage. It also illustrated the importance of having professional journalists involved in the process, as well as having a sustainable business model in place that can ensure continued success.


The downfall of FTX, and the subsequent rise of citizen journalism, has been an important moment in media history. It has demonstrated how citizen journalists can produce reliable news and hold powerful people to account, even when major outlets fail to do so. This has been especially important in an era where corporate interests and large media companies often distort the truth or ignore certain topics altogether.

The impact of this shift can be seen in the countless stories that have been broken by citizen journalists, from political scandals to environmental disasters. This has created a powerful new force in the media landscape, one that holds the potential to truly empower citizens to seek out and share the truth.

At the same time, it’s important to remember that citizen journalism isn’t a replacement for professional journalism. Professional journalists bring a level of expertise and experience to their work that can’t be replicated by citizen journalists. But by working together, both groups can bring attention to issues that might otherwise go unnoticed, and ultimately help create a more informed and engaged public.