Social Fund Number


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The Social Fund contact number is there to offer advice when people need a little help financially. If a major event happens, that leaves you struggling to pay for it. This is what the social fund is designed for those who receive certain kinds of benefits and pensions. If you find yourself financially in trouble due to a one-off, unexpected expense. A Social Fund number is available to explain who can apply for this money.

This fund can help with payments for different things like funeral expenses. Or costs that come with a new baby or for emergencies and disasters likes flood or fire. They can also be used for one off-travel expense if you need to get to another part of the UK in a hurry and can’t get hold of the money to do so.

Social Fund Number Help & Support.

Help can be provided for those who are getting back into the community when leaving prison or the care system. For purchasing furniture or connecting electricity for example. The Social Fund number is manned by agents who can talk you through the kinds of events a crisis payment will cover. Cold Weather Payments and the Winter Fuel Allowance, given to most pensioners in winter. Also, come from this department, and you can call the Budgeting loan number also.

Budgeting Loans and Crisis Loans changed in April 2013. Now the funds are managed locally and not through the job centre. To find out how these changes affect you and any applications that may be already in the system, contact the Social Fund phone number to discuss this. The government website has some useful information which may help you decide if you can apply for this kind of help.

There are different payments available, some are in the form of loans. Which means you will have to repay the money. But this can be done over as much as 24 months to make it affordable. Other schemes can give you money which won’t need to be repaid. The smallest amount for most of these payments is £100. The Social Fund number is there to help you through all the different options available, and to make sure you fill in the relevant forms correctly.

Budgeting Loans 0843 455 2351.

Click here to download a social fund application form; you can return it to one of the addresses below, alternatively, call the Social Fund Number we provide on this page. Low income Social Fund welfare schemes

Many times most of us find ourselves short on the amount of money required to push through with some projects. The hurdle of securing a loan from a bank is frustrating. Budgeting loans, otherwise termed as social fund loans, offer an alternative to the gruesome loan application process when dealing with banks or other micro finance institutions.

What are the loans for

The social fund loans also known as budgeting loan are an element of the Social Security System in the United Kingdom. Managed by the DWP. The loans can assist one to fund various necessities in his or her day-to-day life. They include:

  1. Rent in advance
  2. Household items and furniture
  3. Apparels
  4. Moving expenses
  5. Maintenance or renovation of your home
  6. Travelling expenses within the United Kingdom
  7. Costs affiliated with changing of jobs
  8. Funeral costs
  9. Maternity fees
  10. Repaying other loans taken on hire purchase terms
  11. Repaying any other existing loans

Eligibility for a Loan

You will get accepted for a budgeting loan if he or she have been enjoying the following benefits for six months or more:

  1. Pension credit
  2. Income support
  3. Income-related employment and support allowance
  4. Income-based job seeker’s allowance

If for any reason a person has shifted from Universal Credit to Pension Credit, then any amount of time consumed claiming Universal Credit counts in the six-month duration.

He or she is ineligible for a social fund loan if:

  1. He or she is taking part in any industrial action such as a strike, lockout, or walkout.
  2. Have debt arrears of more than 1,500 pounds in total for Budgeting Loans and Crisis Loans.
  3. Claiming Universal Credit in the present time. In that case, petition for a Budgeting Advance as an alternative.

Loans payment

The positive aspect in regards to a budgeting loan is that the principal amount incurs no interest. Therefore, he or she can only pay back the amount he or she borrowed. The payment process is also relatively simple. An automatic direct deduction from his or her benefits takes place. The deductible amount depends on how much benefit one gets — also, the amount one can afford counts.

The budgeting loan usually is payable within two years, an equivalent of 104 weeks. In case he or she stops receiving any benefits, provide an alternative payment method.

Loan application

The application process for a social fund loan is swift and elementary. People have two application options, through either filling the form or making an application through online. However, note that it is mandatory to register via the form if one is applying for another person. One can:

  1. Pick the application from the nearest Jobcentre Plus
  2. Download it and print it
  3. Call the Social Fund and request for them to post the application to you. It takes approximately five working days for the application to arrive.

After your application, you will get the loan within 20 days if he or she applied on the internet and within 25 days if he or she applied via post. It is compulsory to sign the acceptance letter and return it if he or she accepts the loan. He or she will then receive the amount within 12 working days.

There is a different application method in Northern Ireland.

The Social Fund hotline is available in case of any questions regarding your loan application.