PIP Contact Number


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The Governments, previous benefit payments package, ‘Disability Living Allowance’ for disabled people, aged sixteen to sixty four, has now been replaced, by the new, ‘Personal Independence Payment system’ known as PIP.

Use this PIP Contact Number to connect you to a PIP customer service adviser at the HMRC office.


The range of disability-related financial support, includes: benefits, tax credits, payments, grants and concessions. Which can be explained, further, by using the PIP Contact Number. Depending on your circumstances, you may also, be able to claim, Industrial-Injuries-Benefits, from a work related accident. Or, a Constant-Attendance-Allowance for daily care, and attention, caused by your disability. If you believe, this applies to you. Then you should call the PIP Telephone Number, and check out the claim requirements.


Being disabled, you have a right, to claim for exemption, from paying car road tax, you can apply, for a blue disabled badge, giving you parking benefits. You may also, be entitled to, a disabled persons bus pass, or a rail card, as well as, a possibility, of assistance, to purchase, or lease a car. Again, it is best, to call the PIP Contact Number, to see that you are eligible, before, making any financial expenditure commitments.

PIP Contact Number

Disabled Assessment.

Apply, to your local council, to be assessed, for care services, and support services, as you may, be able to claim direct payments, so that you, can make your own, care and support service arrangements, or, you may be able, to claim financial assistance, for adapting your home, to suit your needs. In the first instance, it may well be worth, using the PIP Telephone Number, to check out your entitlements.

Low Income

A person, with a low income, can also, be entitled, to housing benefit, and council tax reduction, from your local council. You may, be able to claim, extra money, to improve your income, or, you could receive, Working-Tax-Credits, to pay for, special equipment, required, at the workplace, for you. Or, the cost of your travel, to, and from, your place of work. To see, if you are eligible, for a top up, on your income, call the PIP telephone number, for confirmation.

Personal Independence Payment Contact Number.

click here to go to the PIP website.
If you have an account you can log into the PIP portal here.

Personal Independence Payment New Claims.
Post Handling Site B,
WV99 1AH.