JSA Contact Number


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Are you currently between jobs and wondering how you’ll manage your bills as you actively look for employment? Well, here is the good news, you can get Jobseekers Allowance! But hey, before you get all excited about it, let us look at the basics, the rules, and the possibilities.


JSA is a taxable government benefit that is regulated by the Department of Work and Pensions. It two to people who are on a low income or unemployed and actively looking for a job. The allowance can be used to cover living expenses as you look for a job. Before you apply, make good use of the benefits calculator to check your eligibility; you may need to apply for Universal Credit instead.


While the allowance is available to any unemployed UK citizens, set eligibility criteria must be met for you to qualify.  These requirements are as follows:

  • You must be capable of work, available for work and actively seeking gainful employment
  • The applicant must be above the age of 18 but below the State Pension age
  • You must work fewer than 16 hours in a week
  • The applicant must not be receiving any other government benefits
  • The applicant must not be in full-time education

There are some exceptions to the rules. For example, job seekers aged 16 or 17 can qualify for the allowance if proven independent. If you are below 18 years, call the JSA contact number or contact your nearest Jobcentre Plus office for guidance on how to make an application. Keep in mind that JSA rules for Northern Ireland are entirely different. Additionally, any applicant who wishes to claim the “new style” JSA should be eligible for Universal Credit.


Young applicants (17-20 years) do not usually benefit from JSA unless;

  • If you live away from your parents and are independent
  • You may suffer severely if you do not get the allowance
  • Your parents do not receive child benefits for you
  • If you are not a full-time student
  • You are a part-time student and can take up a job if offered
  • You have lived in the UK for the last at least three months

To can get more information on the eligibility criteria that best suits your current circumstances. Call JSA contact number  or visit your nearest Jobcentre Plus Office for any inquiries.


There are two main classifications of Jobseekers Allowance today. These are;

  • Contribution based, or new style JSA
  • Income-based JSA

Your Jobcentre Plus officer will help you determine which type of allowance you qualify for as well as assist you with the process of application.


JSA Contact Number

If you have paid enough Class 1 National Insurance contributions in the last two years, you qualify for this category of JSA. It is important to note that self-employed contributions to the National Insurance don’t get considered to contribution based JSA.

If you get any other government benefits, it might affect your application. If you are not sure about when and how much your last contribution was, and how it will change your request, call JSA contact number or visit your nearest Jobs and Benefits or Social Security office.


This option is available to job seekers who do not have sufficient National Insurance contributions or have made self-employed contributions only. The Jobseekers Allowance you get under this category is based on your income and savings. You can apply for this allowance if;

  • On an average, you work less than 16 hours a week
  • Your partner (if any) work an average, less than 24 hours a week
  • You have less than £16,000 savings

Note that this type of JSA is heavily dependent on your circumstances. Therefore, any changes in your conditions, income or savings, will also affect your eligibility and how much you can get.


Now that you have assessed your eligibility and realised that you could claim the allowance, how do you go about starting a claim? Here are the most fundamental ways.

  • Call JSA contact number to get started
  • Visit your nearest Jobcentre Plus office and fill an application form

After the application will be required to attend an interview where you and Jobcentre Plus officer can agree on how to assist you in getting a job. The officer can also provide support services such as assistance with writing a winning resume and how to ace job interviews.

You will need to handle two compulsory reviews after you place your claim personally. The first review is after 13 weeks, the second at 26 weeks.  These review meetings are meant to help the officer keep track of your job searching efforts as well as give additional career support where necessary.


To know the exact amount you can get, you can use the benefits calculator. However, we will look at the maximum amount given as JSA under various circumstances.

Applicants under 25 years£57.90 weekly
Applicants who are 25 years or older£73.10 per week
Single applicants under 25 years£35
Individual applicants who are 25 years and over£40
Couples who are both 18 years and older£70
A lone parent who is 18 years or over£40
A lone parent who is under 18 years£35

The amount of Income based JSA depends on a range of circumstances. These are;

  • The age of the applicant
  • Whether living alone or as a couple
  • Whether living with dependants and if they are special needs
  • The amount of savings
  • Presence of other income sources
  • Whether servicing housing costs such as mortgage

Still unsure of how much you can get? You can call JSA contact number for assistance.


Jobseekers Allowance is available to you until you get gainful employment. Therefore, regardless of how long it takes you to get a job; you can still receive the allowance. However, you can lose the benefit if you do not comply with the agreements you make to your Jobcentre Plus officer. Such offences include;

  • Failing to make efforts to get a job
  • Failing to make efforts to improve your skills such as attending recommended training sessions
  • Losing a job prospect because of misconduct
  • Failing to accept a favoured position without proper explanation
  • Missing a review interview with your designated advisor

Here are the more severe bits; you will get barred from applying for the allowance for up to 3 years if you do any of the following:

  • Failure to accept suitable job offers without giving valid reasons
  • You fail to apply for the jobs recommended by your advisor
  • If you voluntarily leave a job or misbehave and get yourself fired
  • You fail to take part in any of the compulsory work-related activities of the program

Note that you are expected to keep reporting to your Jobcentre Plus officer, as agreed even if your allowance gets temporarily stopped.

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