How To Claim Universal Credit


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How to Claim Universal Credit

Universal Credit was introduced in 2013 as an alternative to six existing welfare benefits. Claim Universal Credit It is available to all people in Great Britain, but only available to families and couples in some areas, though this will be rolled out fully in time.

The amount of Universal Credit a claimant will receive depends on circumstances, but it is intended to assist with housing, childcare, disability, and those who care for someone with a disability.

To apply for Universal Credit, the claimant does not need to be unemployed or working below a set number of hours, it is designed to support both those who are unemployed and those on a low income. The amount of the benefit will reduce gradually, though, as your income increases.

Although intended to be applied for online, you can apply for Universal Credit by calling the Universal Credit number. This ensures those without access to the internet or who have difficulty with reading or writing are not excluded from the benefit.

When applying, claimants will need to provide information about themselves and, if claiming as a couple, their partner’s information.

The required details are:

  • Postcode
  • National Insurance number
  • Bank, building society or Post Office account name, account number and sort code
  • Landlord address and telephone number and if they are private, council or housing association
  • Rent paid
  • Childcare payments
  • Earnings from employment
  • Details of savings and investments
  • Any other income
  • Any other benefits being received, including child benefit reference numbers

Successful applicants will be asked to attend their local Jobcentre for an interview and unsuccessful applicants will receive a letter. Unsuccessful applicants can appeal the decision by requesting it be looked at again, a reconsideration.

The interview process will include the applicant providing documentary evidence of the information given on the application and an explanation of how Universal Credit works. Documents will be photocopied for retention. To receive Universal Credit, applicants applying must accept a Claimant Commitment, which requires completion of certain tasks dependent on health, home responsibilities, and assistance required.

Tasks under the Claimant Commitment can include preparing for work, such as by updating or creating a CV, searching for jobs, usually for about 35 hours a week, and being available to attend job interviews or start a job. These will be discussed and the applicant must sign to confirm they agree to their weekly timetable of tasks.

Contact For Universal Credit.

Contact Number 0843 455 2361
OfficeUniversal Credit,
UC Post Handling Site B,
Wolverhampton, WV99 1AJ.
Office Hours:8.00am to 6.00pm  Mon to Fri
Closed Sat & Sun
