What Is Universal Credit


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Universal Credit Decision & The Appeal Procedure.

universal credit contact number

Before you can appeal, you must ask for a ‘mandatory reconsideration. Do this within 1 month of the decision to refuse your Universal Credit claim. If more than a month has passed since you received the decision letter. You must phone the Universal Credit contact number before requesting reconsideration (please note that such late requests are not normally allowed). You can also contact your local citizen’s advice service.

To apply for mandatory reconsideration, write to Universal Credit at the address on the decision letter. Giving the reasons why you feel the decision is wrong. Back this up with as much evidence you can provide. Once you have received a mandatory reconsideration notice (also called a ‘written statement of reasons). You will know if the decision has been changed. If this is not the case, you may now go on to appeal to the Social Security and Child Support Tribunal.

Universal Credit Appeal

To begin this process. Fill in the SSCS1 form. Then send it with your mandatory reconsideration notice to the address provided on the form. It is also possible to appeal by sending a letter. Either way, you have to send the appeal to the address given within a month of receiving the mandatory reconsideration decision (although in extraordinary circumstances e.g illness, bereavement etc you may be allowed to appeal up to 13 months after the original decision).

Again, you must give reasoning why you think the decision is wrong with as much evidence to back this up as possible. If you wish, you can have the case decided on the basis of these postal forms, or present your case in person to the Tribunal (with the aid of a lawyer/representative if you so choose). After listening to the arguments on both sides, an independent adjudicator will decide on the issue.

Finally Contact Universal Credit

If you are still unsatisfied with the decision, you have one last means of remedy. You may either have the decision set aside (cancelled if there has been a mistake in the process itself). Or if you believe an error has been made in the application of the law. You can go on to an appeal to the Upper Tribunal Administrative Appeals Chamber. Ask the tribunal for a statement of reasons within a month of the decision. And for permission to appeal to the Upper Tribunal. If this is refused, you can ask the Upper Appeals Chamber themselves for permission.

Send your appeal form to.
HMCTS Appeals Centre
PO Box 1203