DVLA Swansea Contact Number


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DVLA Swansea Contact Number 0843 455 2354

DVLA Swansea Contact Number will connect you with a DVLA Customer Service advisory who will deal with your inquiry. Regarding ether a new tax disc application or if you need to sorn your car. If you sorn your car it must be kept off the roads and streets.

Every person who owns a car must display a valid tax disc that has been purchased for that vehicle. Every vehicle that is used in the UK is kept on a database. This means that if you drive past a camera that has number plate recognition, the current status of that vehicle can be checked. Instantly alerting the police, or the DVLA have there own officers who drive around and constantly check vehicle statuses.

You can check the status of any car using the internet to check now. So if you have a car on the public highway. Then you need to call the DVLA Swansea Phone Number and get a tax disc now. You can use the DVLA Swansea Phone Number if you have lost you original and require a duplicate, or if you have sold the car and you have retained the tax disc you can call the DVLA Swansea Contact Number to get a refund.

DVLA Swansea Phone Number 0843 455 2354

If you have a vehicle that is not kept or used on a public highway. It has to ether have a valid tax disc displayed or be sorn. This can also be done by calling the DVLA Swansea Phone Number, and tell the customer service advisory that the vehicle is kept off the public highway. If a vehicle is sorn and you are caught on the public highway, it will probably get taken away to a compound, were it may get crushed.

On 1st October 2014 the old paper system will be replaced by an electronic system, making it possible for people to pay for their tax disc by monthly direct debit. And you wont have a disk to display in the vehicle’s window. If you would like to find out more call the DVLA Swansea Contact Number or read more about this.