DVLA Contact Number


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Why This Article About DVLA? 

There are a lot of misconceptions and doubts about DVLA in people on the internet. Some can’t find the correct number while others can’t comprehend the meaning of this term. Through this article, we try to answer every possible question and solve issues that might be related to DVLA. So, if you are new and want to learn more than just the DVLA contact number this guide is for you. So, without further adieu, let’s explore everything there is about DVLA.

What is DVLA?

DVLA or driver and vehicle licensing agency is formally an organization with duties to collect and store data of the millions of citizens of the country who house a vehicle. From on who’s name the behold is registered to who is the type of vehicle, it’s age, number and more. If you want to know about a certain vehicle DVLA is the place you want to call. Apart from vehicles, the organization is also held responsible for road tax, driver’s license, and basically any kind of information and detail that pertains to driving and vehicles. 

Since DVLA is such a vast database, to be sure about any purchase of a vehicle or if there is a requirement to update someone’s licence or create a new one all together, the single most significant point of contact is DVLA. Therefore, everyone wants the DVLA contact number

How can a DVLA contact number help me? 

There are several ways DVLA can help you. Below, we described it in great detail. But, in a single line- if you can think of any information that is even a little related to driving, licensing, and vehicles in the United Kingdom, you know you have to call the DVLA number. Here are some detailed options: 

  1. If you have just turned 18 and want to start driving, you need a new license and where do you want to first go? You contact the DVLA office for licensing and extract the necessary details to get your first driving license made.
  2. If your driving license is about to expire and you need to update it, the DVLA contact number with an extension to the driving license department will help you with updating your license.
  3. Getting more information about a vehicle you want to purchase has never been this easy. Just use the DVLA contact number to instantly get critical information about a vehicle including its logbook, past employers, and more. This helps you make a better decision on whether you want to go for the vehicle or not. 
  4. If you have bought a new vehicle but not registered yet, you can do so by contacting the DVLA office from where they will guide you through the steps you need to take to book an appointment for registration. 
  5. Got a number plate you don’t like. You can ask the DVLA to provide a personalized number plate with just one ring to their office.
  6. If you have failed or want to attempt tests that range from theory exams related to driving and road safety to practical tests, you can book them via DVLA contact number. 
  7. If you want to pay vehicle tax but don’t know how much or how to – DVLA contact number will guide you. 
  8. DVLA also conducts medical checks of the drivers to make sure they are fit to drive on the roads of the United Kingdom. Drivers medical service is one of the mandatory services provided by DVLA. 
  9. As an organization, the work of DVLA goes beyond general maintenance of files and data collection. They play a major role in shaping the way our Driving and vehicle policy looks today.

These are only a handful of the many ways DVLA can be helpful to you. As a citizen of the united kingdom, DVLA is the best service provided to the citizens in regards to roads, driving and vehicles. As mentioned earlier, if you think about anything that’s related to driving or vehicles, you can directly call that department of DVLA. The bifurcations include – Licensing, Welse Language, DVLA form, Car Tax, Vehicle Checks, Vehicle Log Books, Number Plates, SORN, DVSA and Vehicle Testing. 

Other DVLA contact details

Apart from contact numbers, there are other ways you can get in touch with DVLA. The organization is very open, delivering every possible means of communication to enhance people’s experience and make it streamlined. Here are some ways you can expect to get in touch with DVLA.


Since there are only certain limited numbers dedicated to DVLA, it is obvious that sometimes you might not be able to get through the line to the concerned person. Rather than sticking around your phone waiting for the operator to answer, you can simply drop an email to the DVLA office. Are the emails read? Yes, they are read. However, you must have patience because the reply can take days, if not more. Here are some email IDs for your reference: 


The DVLA works the old fashioned way as well. So, if you plan on dropping a letter which is more common in case of a test or complaint, you can do so on their official address. The address you want would be of Swansen because that is where the headquarters of DVLA is established. You can either use the following for any queries or issues related to vehicles. 

Vehicle Customer Services



SA99 1AR

Or you can also use the following address to post your letter to the DVLA related to drivers and driving. 

Drivers Customer Services

Correspondence Team,




How can I get a Driver’s License From DVLA? 

The DVLA is an initial point of contact for people who want to get their first licence or renew their license. In any case, between contacting the DVLA and completing the test and getting an licence can take up to 4 weeks and sometimes a little more than that. 

Is there a DVLA website I can visit? 

Yes, there is an official DVLA website that you can visit to indulge in a number of activities including learning about the latest developments in the defining and vehicle policies, finding the contact details of DVLA and it’s many departments. The website is very helpful but generally encompassed with various information. So, it might not be the best place to look for something like a driving licence DVLA form. It is always better to get the DVLA contact details and call the organization to get instant help. 

Is DVLA working during coronavirus?

Due to the pandemic, certain services are kept on fault while a number of services have been added to make it comfortable for people to easily contact DVLA and perform necessary tasks. The new norms ask you not to send across papers but use telephonic services for any issues or information. Online services are also available for instant support. If you are not related to the COVID 19 help, you should not call the agency.