Child Support Agency Contact Number


Use this Child Support Agency Contact Number (CSA) to contact a customer service adviser at the CSA. The United Kingdom is home to a department that seeks to look after the welfare of children whose fathers or mothers do not reside with them. The body obliges any of the latter to contribute to the upkeep of the children through an income-based scheme.

The best way to start the process is to find and use accurate contact details of the Child Support Agency contact number. There are great telephone lookup directories, online, that offer Child Support Agency contact that can be one’s starting point.

After verifying this information, one can then decide on the best time to place the call. Most of the services from this department are available on a typical business week and part of the weekend.  Specifically, one can make use of the Children Support Agency contact number. Between eight o’clock in the morning and eight o’clock at night, local time. Then Saturdays between eight, in the morning, and five, in the evening. These are the operating hours of this government department.

Understanding how the organisation provides assistance to needy little ones whose parents no longer live with them. Through the help of a Child Support Centre contact, it is possible to learn, for example, that this department can make a non-resident parent to remit 15 percent of his or her earnings towards the financial welfare of a single beneficiary. This increases to 20 percent of earnings for dual beneficiaries.

Child Support Agency Contact Number (CSA)

Another saving grace of a Child Support Agency number is that it can also, perforce, help the parent to negotiate a lower remittance, in special circumstances. One of these is when he or she has already started a new family and thus has further financial obligations. This helps to reduce the amount payable to the deserted child for whom the agency seeks a means of upkeep.

The Child Support Agency contact can bring to an individual, whether a beneficiary or parent, details on the various departments and historical bills that have visited upon the organisation since inception. For instance, one learns that the department began in the first quarter of 1993, through a law of parliament. A Child Support agency number also helps to assimilate the fact that, as of 2003, a new mechanism of determining how much a parent can pay came into effect.

Thus, it is possible to find and use accurate contact details of the Child Support Agency contact number to understand how it operates and addresses issues pertaining to deserted children.

Existing Claims

CSA New Claims

To go to the Child Support Agency CSA website.
Use the Child Support Agency CSA calculator.