Budgeting Advance Number


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A budgeting advance is a type of short term advance or loan that you can get if you are on Universal Credit. The loan is interest-free, and it is used to cover for certain unexpected expenses. Once you get a budgeting advance, you are required to pay back in full. If you need cash urgently, you can benefit a lot from budgeting advance loan. However, you will need to apply for this loan and pass some criteria to determine if you qualify. Below is everything you need to know about a budgeting advance loan.

1. What is a budgeting advance used for?

A budgeting advance loan can be used to pay for several things. They include;

• Rent in advance
• Purchasing household equipment and furniture
• Expenses for a new home
• Maternity expenses
• Funeral expenses
• Clothing and footwear
• Expenses involved in maintaining and improving your home.

In most cases, you will not have to disclose the purpose of the loan. However, if you want a budgeting advance for funeral expenses, maternity costs, and local welfare assistance, you can get a budgeting advance loan without paying it back. In this case, you will need to state the purpose of the loan. If you have any further questions call the budgeting advance number.

2. How to get budgeting advance

To apply for the budgeting advance, you need to meet certain criteria. Firstly, in the past six months, from the date of your application, you should have.

• Have been receiving Universal Credit
• Have earned a total income of £2600 if you are single and £3600 for couples.


Additionally, you should be receiving some benefits for a minimum of 26 weeks with a break of not more than 28 days. These benefits include includes.

• Pension Credit
• Income support
• Income-based jobseeker’s allowance
• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance.

You may be prevented from applying for a budgeting advance in some cases. For instance, if you have an existing loan from Universal Credit or you have more than £1000 savings, your application may fail. The decision on whether you are qualified to apply or not is made on the same day. If you qualify to apply, you will get a budgeting advance number to proceed with the next step.

There are several ways to apply for a budgeting loan. Firstly, you can apply online on their website. Some people prefer to download the SF500 form from the website and take it to your nearest JobCenter Plus. Or you can use the budgeting advance number 0843 455 2353

3. How to apply for a budgeting advance

Once you have applied, it takes around one month to determine if you will get the loan or not.

  1. How much does not get from budgeting advance?

The amount varies from one individual to another. The minimum amount to borrow is £100, and the maximum depends on various circumstances.

• If you are single with no child, you will get £348
• If you are a couple without kids, you get £464
• If you have children, you get £812

4. How to pay back a budgeting advance loan?

After you have successfully applied for the universal Credit budgeting advance loan, the repayment period starts from that date. You are required to pay the amount in full within two years. Repayments are deducted automatically from your benefits.

If you stop receiving benefits, you should look for other ways of paying back the loan. If you get to a point where you cannot afford to pay off the agreed repayment, you should contact them. The budgeting advance doe not attract any interests hence you will pay the same amount you received.

If your application is rejected, you can apply for another request. In the second application, you need to prove that you will be able to pay back the loan. Make sure that you reduce or clear your debts if you have any, have some savings, and speak to your local JobCenter Plus. The review takes about 21 days for the second application decision to be made.