AA Breakdown Number


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AA Breakdown Number 0843 455 2356

The AA is a national motoring organisation. Founded in 1905, the AA originally consisted of a small group of 100 motoring enthusiasts who paid cycle scouts to discover police traps and report them to approaching motorists. By 1914, there were over 83,000 members and the organisation had expanded their activities.

The AA offered a breakdown service and then branched into insurance, grading hotels and producing maps and handbooks. Today, calling the AA breakdown number enables members to access a 24/7 breakdown service for their vehicle. The AA breakdown number to call is 0843 455 2356, which takes callers straight through to the emergency helpline where they can immediately access the help they need.

When customers call the AA breakdown number, they can be sure of a fast and efficient response. As you would expect from the UK’s largest supplier of breakdown cover, your vehicle will receive prompt roadside attention. The company is proud to announce that 8 out of every 10 breakdowns can be repaired without having to tow the vehicle away.

Usually, a patrol arrives at a stranded vehicle within 45 minutes of making a call to the AA breakdown number. Roadside, National Recovery, At Home Cover and Onward Travel are all options that are available to customers who choose the AA for their breakdown cover.

Roadside Assistance Breakdown Cover.

The AA does not only provide a high-quality breakdown service. The organisation also supplies a comprehensive range of services that include those for your vehicle and your home. Calling the contact number for the AA enables customers to find out more about the vast array of services available.

Customers can choose from a wide selection of insurance products. All types of vehicle cover are available from cars and vans to caravans and motorcycles. Home insurance is also supplied together with emergency and boiler breakdown cover.

Also offered is a range of financial products such as credit cards and loans. They can assist with various aspects of purchasing a car, from used vehicle checks to providing guide prices for second-hand vehicles. You can even purchase ferry tickets, arrange driving lessons and book accommodation through the organisation.

As well as products, there are several free services provided, including route planners, travel news and useful travel advice. To find out more about the organisation’s products and services, use the AA contact number. If you have an account or wish to register please click here.

AA Contact Number 0843 455 2356.