ESA Contact Number


Employment and Support Allowance is also known as ESA. Our ESA Contact Number will put you in touch with a customer service adviser at the ESA office, who will answer any question you have regarding and new or existing claim. ESA Phone Number will give you financial support if you can not work. And can help you get personal help if you can work.

You may be asked to attend regular appointments at the jobcentre plus to keep getting ESA. If you have a problem attending an appointment use the ESA Number to rearrange your appointment.

Use the  to discus your circumstances with a trained adviser. Who can also make an appointment for you to come and have an interview. And complete any forms that will be required. If you miss your interview use the ESA Contact Number to rearrange. All benefits you are awarded are paid directly into your bank account.

ESA Phone Number

You can apply for ESA if you are getting a Disability Living Allowance, more commonly known as DLA. Your ESA isn’t affected if you are earning up to £20 a week. Work and earn up to £99.50 a week and supervised by a recognised person. This is called permitted work. If you have any questions use the ESA contact Number above. Or email any questions to

The amount of ESA you receive depends on your individual circumstances, it will range between £56.0 – £160.50 per week. To see how much EAS you could be entitled to call the ESA Contact Number and tell theESA customer service adviser about your financial circumstances.

You have a right to appeal against a decision made by the ESA staff. A member of the ESA staff will explain wht they have come to there decision. If you still think the ESA have got it wrong, then you can ask us to look at our decision again. If after that you have the right to ask the independent case examiner to take a look at your claim call ESA complaints.

You can download a ESA1 form and post it to you local Jobcentre Plus.

ESA Contact Number & Office.

Opening times:
Monday to Friday: 08.00 – 09.00.
Weekend: 08.00 – 04.00.
Closed on all Public and Bank Holidays.

Use this ESA Number if you start a new claim or have an existing claim and need to talk to a ESA customer service advisor.

The employment and support allowance (ESA) is paid to people with limited capacity of performing work. The allowance is available for people of working age who are not able to work due to disability or illness. The ESA Contact number helps you to contact the ESA in order to find out whether you are eligible for the allowance.

ESA is a UK government state benefit that was established on 27 October 2008. It was established through the merger of Income Support (IS) and Incapacity Benefit (IB). Originally, claimants who remained eligible for the IS, IB and the severe disablement allowance (SDA) continued to get them. However, in 2010, the UK government announced that all these claimants would migrate to the ESA. More information about the history of the ESA is available when you call the ESA phone number.

To determine whether you are eligible for the benefits, you will have to undergo the limited capability for work assessment. You will also have to be between 16 years of age and below the pension age, which 60 for women and 65 for men. You should also not be receiving income support and job seekers allowance. Through calling the ESA Phone Number, you will get more information about the eligibility criteria.

ESA Contact Number

The ESA provides financial assistance to the claimants in case they are not able to work. Claimants who are able to work also get personalized support to resume work. If you are single and under the age of 25 can receive up to £56.80 every week. If you are single and 25 years or older, you can receive up to £71.70 every week. However, you should use the ESA Contact Number to seek information on the exact amount that you are eligible for.

The application process starts with getting a note from your GP confirming that you are not fit for work. You will then be subjected to the work capability assessment (WCA). The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will then determine whether you are eligible for ESA.

If you are eligible, you will be placed either on the Support Group or work related activity group. The work related activity group requires you to make a call to the ESA Phone Number to make an appointment with personal advisers to prepare for a return to work. However, the support group does not require a return to work advice.Published June 28, 2017