Can You Buy Bitcoin at a Bitcoin ATM Machine?

Bitcoin ATM Machine

As of November 2022, the daily confirmed transactions on Bitcoin are over 250,000. So, the number definitely suggests that this cryptocurrency has significant market value and is probably more valuable than fiat currency.

Mostly, you can make online transactions of Bitcoin through exchange sites. Even though this is a convenient way of making cryptocurrency transactions, it can be really annoying sometimes, especially when you need to make transactions spontaneously.

Auspiciously, you will find Bitcoin ATMs in different places around the globe.

Now the question is can you obtain Bitcoin from a Bitcoin ATM machine?

Can You Buy Bitcoin at a Bitcoin ATM?

The answer is simply yes, a Bitcoin ATM machine will allow you to buy Bitcoin.

Bitcoin ATM machines are developed to help you get the coins at the booth. Similarly, you can even sell Bitcoins on a Bitcoin ATM. There are also some booths that offer various expedient features like gift card sales.

How to Utilize a Bitcoin ATM?

First of all, you have to find Bitcoin ATMs close to your place. You can simply search on Google and from the search results, you have to find out the nearest Bitcoin ATM or any Bitcoin ATM that is convenient to you.

After reaching the Bitcoin machine, you have to follow either of the two below-mentioned instructions depending on whether you want to purchase or sell the Bitcoins.

How to Purchase a Bitcoin?

To purchase Bitcoins, you will have to input the purchasing amount in dollars. However, you have to ensure that there is available cash in your account.

Some Bitcoin machines may require you to provide verification information, such as your driving license, phone number, etc. This is why you need to carry your ID card (driving license) with you while visiting a Bitcoin ATM.

Now, to process the transaction, you have to provide your bills to the machine. Having a crypto wallet can help you easily deposit the amount into your account through a simple QR code scan.

Or else, you can get a printed QR code from the ATM machine. Don’t lose this paper. Losing the printed QR code means losing your Bitcoins.

How to Sell a Bitcoin?

To sell Bitcoins, you will have to put the amount of cash that you want. You can display the conversion rate from Bitcoin to dollars on the machine.

Similar to Bitcoin purchases, selling Bitcoins also need you to show your ID to finish the transaction.

Then, you will get a QR code on the display of the ATM. You just have to scan the QR code and it will automatically deduct the amount from your crypto wallet.

Now, the ATM machine will give out cash.

Try Out a Nearby Bitcoin Machine

It would be a great experience to find out a nearby Bitcoin ATM machine.

By using your computer, you can purchase and sell Bitcoins. However, to use cash and get benefitted from other services, you should visit Bitcoin ATM machines.

Hopefully, the above-stated instructions will help you to trade cryptos spontaneously by using a Bitcoin ATM.

To know more about Bitcoin purchases, check out our other blogs.