A Complete Guide to Angular Development


Whether you are using social media platforms, online banking services, or health care services, you are getting these services through mobile or web applications. These applications offer us great user experiences, excellent convenience, and smart interfaces. One of the frameworks that makes the applications so reliable is Angular. So, what is angular? How the Angular framework brings advantages to the users? Continue to read this article to have a complete guide to Angular development.

What Is Angular?

Angular is a framework or platform that helps to develop single-page client applications through TypeScript and HTML. Google developed this framework and continuously maintains it to provide a standard structure for application developers. Therefore, with the help of this framework, developers can build large applications in a maintainable manner.

The Importance of Having a Framework in Web Development:

Having a framework improves the performance and efficiency of the developers during web development as they do not need to rebuild the code. The angular framework not only saves time for the developers but also provides them with additional features that they can include in the software without putting in the extra effort.

Angular Architecture:

Angular architecture depends on certain fundamental concepts. Architecture guides developers to structure the applications and provides bi-directional data flow. The Angular architecture consists of eight building blocks, including Modules, Templates, Components, Metadata, Services, and Dependency Injection. There is a root module in an Angular app, whereas the components determine the user interface partly. There are two data binding in the Angular template, such as event binding and property binding. Metadata helps Angular in processing a class. A service class helps to share logic or data across the components. Dependency injection is useful to keep the component classes efficient and crisp.

The Role of Interceptors in Maintaining workflow of an Angular app:

To perform the tasks, the workflow of this framework performs a chain of HTTP requests to the server. An interceptor takes place between the Angular app and the server and intercepts all the HTTP requests after performing by the app. An Angular Interceptor helps to perform several operations on the requests before sending them to the server. Therefore, the role of the interceptors is to allow operators to perform multiple operations before the final answer is consumed by the app.

The Advantages of Angular:

Since the beginning, several Angular versions have been released. These all versions have contributed to improving the efficiency of the framework. The major advantages of the Angular framework are-

Data Binding:

Angular helps users to move data effortlessly from the JavaScript system to the view.

Custom Components:

The users can create their own web components with the help of Angular to make a combination of rendering logic and functionality.


Angular allows you to conduct testing on your entire application.

Dependency Injection:

Users can write modular services through Angular and they can also inject them in any place.

Browser Compatibility:

The Angular platform offers compatibility with different browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome, etc.

The Angular framework brings several other advantages. There could be a vast discussion on the concept and use of Angular. We have just tried to give you basic guidance on this framework.