How New Technology is Changing the Practice of Law

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Technology has been a disruptor, an incredible one, to businesses in all industries. All sectors, from education to healthcare and media, have felt the unmissable touch that is the impact of technology, the buzz of our time. The modern law landscape has had its fair share of changes, thanks to the ever-evolving revolutionizing effect of technology. Here are some ways that technology has impacted and caused changes in the practice of law:

Streamlined client communication and better collaboration among lawyers

The ability to telecommute has allowed lawyers to work remotely. It has also introduced diverse options for lawyers to communicate with their clients because of the communications tools of the new technological era. These tools boost productivity and make client interactions seamless and convenient for all parties. The ease of communication has also allowed for better collaboration between lawyers working on a case together. The lawyers can discuss essential aspects of a case and draft petitions remotely instead of going to the law office, thanks to technology. Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Docs come in handy in collaborative work among lawyers, minus the need to sit next to each other.


Lawyers can spend hours foraging hundreds of documents to find evidence relevant to their case. Fortunately, there is no longer the need to sift through paper documents, not with digital alternatives available. For example, professional truck accident lawyers can gather evidence from email, database archives, IoT, and mobile devices. Automatic discovery software that employs analytics speeds up the process of collecting evidence. Elimination of unnecessary documents streamlines the process significantly. All one needs to do is search for keywords and phrases.

Computer Simulations

Evidence is crucial in the legal field. Computer simulations can come in handy in identifying the scope and impact of a case. For instance, lawyers can explain incidents like car accident reconstructions, crime scene re-enactment, and ballistics determinations. The software handling mathematical and logical scenarios makes it easier to handle cases and increases the chances of a win. Computer-generated devices help save time and money that would have gone to expert witnesses.

Minimal errors

Technology in the legal sector has cut down the risk of errors significantly. There are fewer instances of misinterpretation or overlooking of facts and figures due to the ease of access to details, allowing for better judgment. Legal practitioners also find it easier to analyze facts and evidence from different perspectives because of the remarkable competence of analytics.

Improved research on expert witnesses

Most lawyers clock hours doing background checks on their witnesses- time best used on other essential aspects of building the case. Even with a seemingly detailed research process, sometimes, it is not uncommon for paralegals and research attorneys to miss crucial details. Crucial testimony could go to waste if a lawyer misses an important update.

Furthermore, it is possible for the credibility, credential, and history of experts to change over time. The arduous task of staying on top of the information can be a hassle for law firms. However, once technology enters the picture, information upkeep can happen automatically. Law firms can use software to access information on legal involvement, professional standing, and the media presence of any expert. One can also get real-time updates throughout the case lifecycle, leading to better credibility.

Better case management

Digital business management software has allowed the automation of case management processes. Organizing contact lists, scheduling dates, entering billing data, and managing documents have become less hectic because all the information needed for these processes is available in centralized databases that are easy to access. Digital case management also allows seamless document sharing among lawyers when necessary. Web-based technology also makes it easy for lawyers to access documents while working on their mobile devices.

Better customer experience

Nowadays, customer satisfaction is essential in boosting the name of any legal profession. Clients want to work with lawyers that make them feel seen and happy. Artificial Intelligence has come in handy in improving customer experience. AI allows lawyers to deliver customized services by collecting tons of consumer data in real-time.

Increased visibility

Law firms are, above all things, businesses. They need customers to increase sales and remain relevant in whichever industry. Visibility is an incredible asset for business success. Technology and the rise of social media have come in handy for lawyers that wish to establish their position as thought leaders. Lawyers who leverage social media find it easier to attract potential clients and accomplish their goals.


The legal profession has gone through a significant transformation since its inception. Technology has been an instrumental driver of disruption in the legal sector. Fortunately, most of the implications have been positive and led to great strides in law practice.