Four MUST-USE Tools to Protect Your Cyber-Bubble


With the web constantly growing and malicious attacks getting more sophisticated, protecting your data is crucial. Gone are the years when you’d be able to browse the internet with only default protection! Here are four essential browsing tools you’ll need to keep switched on and ready to react.

Antivirus Software

At the very least, you should never browse the internet without some form of antivirus software. As mentioned, the classic default for PC users has always been Windows Defender. However, this is already built-in – it’s important to choose a virus scanner that’s smart on deeper, more malicious threats.

Antivirus software tends to be the absolute minimum protection you’ll need. The most basic of these will keep vigilant for older, ‘legacy’ viruses. However, they will also ensure to update virus logs and to place suspected bugs in ‘quarantine’ for you to remove safely.


A VPN is a great ally to have if you’re concerned about fake sites or your privacy on the web at large. VPN software will effectively enable you to ‘cloak’ your IP address. Therefore, you are giving the impression to onlookers that you’re connecting through an ISP based in a foreign country. You’ll also be able to use VPN servers to counteract fake websites and phishing attempts you may encounter while browsing.

VPNs won’t protect you against phishing through email or stop a virus, but they are essential tools for private browsing. If you’d like to get started, simply download VPN here with Surfshark.

Malware Protection

Malware protection is a little more sophisticated compared to antivirus software. Ultimately, it offers much of the same approach – the best anti-malware detectors will prevent malicious attacks while you browse. However, malware protectors will help you fight against ransomware attacks, worms, and bots.

The best malware protection will help you find hidden nasties in your files. These may include spyware applications that can sneak into your system while you browse.

Malware protection is fantastic in helping you fight against phishing scams, such as those made via email. However, you will also need a firewall to complete your protective arsenal!


If your antivirus and anti-malware programs are the attackers at the fort, then your firewall is the fort itself. Your firewall is your solid defense against network intrusion and attack, protecting you against both malicious code and active hacking. Firewalls are some of the longest-standing data protection tools available, and they are constantly evolving.

Without a firewall, anyone can access and attack your network. That might be a local area network (LAN) for your business or your wireless internet connection at home. The best routers arrive with firewalls built-in, but protecting your devices further is prudent.

There are many different and evolving threats just a click away via your phone, tablet, or computer. However, protecting yourself and your loved ones is achievable by using the four tools and keeping them updated and active.