All About Tangibility: Why Printed Theses Still Matter

Why Printed Theses Still Matter

Many educational articles focus on the rise of digital technology. Indeed, this revolution is impossible to deny. From distance learning courses and professional webinars to the growing role of artificial intelligence, it is clear that we are living in amazing times. However, physical print is far from dead.

This is why it is important to discuss some of the reasons why producing a physical thesis can represent a rewarding experience, and how the process can leave a lasting impression on your professors.

A Touch of Tradition Goes a Long Way

Printed theses are able to provide a sense of hands-on tangibility that digital files simply cannot reproduce. Students who use online printing services such as those offered by the team at BachelorPrint are likewise provided with a host of professional options; enabling their paper to create a positive first impression. Let’s also remember that creating a physical document illustrates your commitment to the project; a trait that will certainly not be lost on your peers.

The Need for Hard Copies

There is much to be said about the latest educational apps for smartphones, and similar portable devices. These function as excellent tools during the learning process, and their on-the-go design is quite convenient. Still, hard copies matter.

Imagine for a moment that you will be attending a symposium with a handful of other students. It would be nearly impossible to distribute your thesis in the form of a downloadable file. Not only is this downright inconvenient, but others might not possess the appropriate software. It is much easier to hand out physical documents, and this is also a nice way to make powerful networking connections.

Back to the Basics

A great deal of interest has recently involved the social and educational implications of artificial intelligence. While the verdict is still out regarding the positives and negatives, AI will hardly be able to replace the written word.

It could also be argued that the organic nature of a physical thesis presentation will offer a more powerful means to strike a chord with those who might be evaluating its contents. Of course, this involves much more than a series of pages and a firm binding. Embedded high-quality images, appropriate fonts, and well-researched citations will all affect how your research is perceived. It is sometimes better to avoid the latest technological marvels and return to proven techniques.

A Timeless Appeal

It has often been said that written material is capable of providing a sense of permanence that is not possible with digital files. If we think about it for a moment, this actually makes a great deal of sense. The software can become corrupted. Files could be deleted, or lost within the ether of the cloud. This is not the case with a physical thesis. It can be stored on a shelf for years, and accessed within seconds. In other words, written subject matter can stand the test of time.

Writing a thesis requires patience, effort, and insight. Why not capture the results of your actions in the best way possible?

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