Serhiy Tokarev About Empowering Women in STEM

Serhiy Tokarev

In his recent reflections on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Serhiy Tokarev, an IT entrepreneur and investor, highlighted the ongoing challenges of gender inequality in science and technology. The entrepreneur, co-founder of the investment group Roosh, emphasized the importance of consistent efforts to recognize and celebrate women’s achievements in these fields.

In the dynamic landscape of Roosh ecosystem companies, Serhiy Tokarev underlines the significance of achieving gender equality. He views it not only as a moral imperative but as a strategic move for fostering innovation. Teams with an equal balance of men and women, according to Tokarev, often generate more innovative solutions. Despite governmental and corporate initiatives, gender imbalance is present globally, extending beyond the boundaries of the IT sector.

A noteworthy initiative that Serhiy Tokarev supports is STEM is FEM, a Ukrainian educational project dedicated to promoting science among girls. This project on informal education, encouraging young girls to pursue STEM specialties and opt for STEM career. Through various activities, including educational modules, courses, and webinars, STEM is FEM introduces girls to female researchers, building a community of support and motivation.

Serhiy Tokarev supports is STEM is FEM

One shining example from the STEM is FEM community is Yuliia Tkachenko, an 18-year-old student who is breaking barriers in the drone technology industry. Tkachenko’s innovative solution, adding a laser sight to drones, showcased her problem-solving skills. Currently, a student at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Tkachenko is actively involved in an IT startup in the healthcare sector, demonstrating the impact of initiatives like STEM is FEM on shaping future leaders.

Nadiia Kasyanchuk, another member of the STEM is FEM community, exemplifies the global reach of this initiative. A master’s program student at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland, Kasyanchuk focuses on medical biotechnology and genomic data research related to Parkinson’s disease. Her remarkable achievements, including co-authoring articles in Scopus-indexed journals and receiving awards at international conferences, showcase the potential unlocked when women are empowered in STEM.

Projects like STEM is FEM play a pivotal role in advancing societies by not only promoting educational initiatives but also fostering communities that support women in STEM. The ripple effect of reducing the gender gap extends beyond social justice; it can significantly contribute to economic growth, as highlighted by McKinsey & Company’s data on increasing GDP through gender equality.

STEM is FEM stands as a transformative educational initiative with a primary focus on fostering an interest in STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) among young girls. This initiative goes beyond traditional education, bringing like-minded individuals together in a vibrant community. Within this community, girls actively support each other, share innovative ideas, and collectively grow both academically and personally. Notably, STEM is FEM owes its inception to the vision of Serhiy Tokarev, a distinguished Ukrainian IT entrepreneur and co-founder of the esteemed investment group Roosh.

Recognizing the significant impact of STEM is FEM, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine bestowed the project with the prestigious title of “Honorary Ambassador of Ukraine in the field of scientific and educational diplomacy” in 2023. This accolade underscores the project’s vital role in advancing scientific education for girls and promoting diplomatic efforts in the realm of education and science.